Excel VBA Macros: The Significance of Macro Comments”

In the realm of Excel VBA, macro comments are not just lines of text but powerful tools for creating clean, understandable, and maintainable code. These comments serve as your personal annotations within your codebase, providing essential insights into the “why” behind your code. In this guide, we’ll explore why macro comments are indispensable and how they contribute to the success of your VBA projects.

Why Are Macro Comments Indispensable?

Macro comments are integral to understanding and managing VBA code effectively. They play a pivotal role in the development and maintenance of macros for several reasons:

  1. Documentation and Clarity: Comments are your code’s narrative. They explain the purpose of each section of code, making it comprehensible not only to you, the developer, but also to others who may work with or review your code. Well-documented code significantly reduces the learning curve and ensures that others can quickly grasp your intentions.
  2. Long-Term Maintainability: Code evolves. Over time, you may need to revisit and modify macros. Having comments that detail why specific code was written can be a lifesaver. They act as road signs guiding you through your code, even if you haven’t looked at it in months. Without comments, you might find yourself trying to decipher your own work, which can be a frustrating experience.
  3. Collaboration: If you’re working on a project with others, comments facilitate collaboration. Your colleagues can understand your code, provide feedback, and seamlessly integrate their work with yours. Clear, well-documented macros ensure a smoother collaborative experience.
  4. Debugging Assistance: When an error occurs, comments can pinpoint where things might have gone wrong. By explaining the logic behind your code, they assist in identifying and rectifying issues swiftly.
  5. Compliance and Best Practices: In some industries, code must adhere to specific standards or compliance regulations. Comments serve as evidence that your code follows these requirements and best practices.
  6. Knowledge Transfer: In cases where you’re handing off a project or training a new team member, comments serve as educational resources. They provide insights into the project’s structure, logic, and decision-making.
  7. Personal Reference: Even if you’re the sole developer, comments can be immensely helpful. They act as memory aids, reminding you of your original intentions and thought process.

In essence, macro comments are the unsung heroes of VBA development, ensuring that your code remains understandable, adaptable, and efficient over time.

Adding Comments in Excel VBA

To insert a comment in your VBA code:

  1. Open the Visual Basic Editor: Access the editor by pressing Alt + F11.
  2. Create Your Comment: Precede a line with an apostrophe (') to indicate that it’s a comment, not executable
' This comment explains the purpose of the following code
ActiveCell.Value = 42

3. Write Descriptive Comments: When adding comments, aim for clarity and brevity. Explain why you are using a particular piece of code or provide context to make your code more understandable.

4. Comment Blocks: To temporarily convert multiple lines into comments, you can use the Comment Block button in the Edit toolbar. This is useful for deactivating code without deleting it.

Uncommenting Code

To reverse the comment process and make code executable again:

  1. Select the commented code block: Highlight the lines you want to uncomment.
  2. Click the “Uncomment Block” button: Located next to the “Comment Block” button on the Edit toolbar. Clicking it will remove the apostrophes, restoring the code’s functionality.

Incorporate comments wisely into your VBA code. They are the key to unlocking the full potential of your macros by ensuring that you and others can always understand and manage your code effectively.

Mastering Excel VBA Events: Automating Your Spreadsheets

Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) empowers you to take control of your spreadsheets by automating various tasks. One of the key features of Excel VBA is its ability to respond to events, which are user actions or occurrences in the Excel environment. In this tutorial, we’ll explore several essential Excel VBA events and how you can use them to streamline your work. Let’s dive in.

1. Workbook Open Event

The Workbook Open Event allows you to execute code when you open a workbook. To use this event:

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on “ThisWorkbook” in the Project Explorer.
  • Choose “Workbook” from the left drop-down list.
  • Choose “Open” from the right drop-down list.

Add the following code to the Workbook Open Event:

MsgBox "Good Morning"

Workbook Open Event Result

Save, close, and then reopen the Excel file. You’ll see a “Good Morning” message.

2. Worksheet Change Event

The Worksheet Change Event triggers when you change a cell in a worksheet. To set it up:

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on a sheet (e.g., “Sheet1”) in the Project Explorer.
  • Choose “Worksheet” from the left drop-down list.
  • Choose “Change” from the right drop-down list.

Here’s an example of how to react to changes in cell B2:

If Target.Address = "$B$2" Then
    If Target.Value > 80 Then
        MsgBox "Goal Completed"
    End If
End If

Workbook Change Event Result

When you enter a value greater than 80 in cell B2, a message will appear.

3. BeforeDoubleClick Event

This event runs when you double-click a cell. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on a sheet (e.g., “Sheet1”) in the Project Explorer.
  • Choose “Worksheet” from the left drop-down list.
  • Select “BeforeDoubleClick” from the right drop-down list.

Use this code to change the font color and cancel the default double-click action (cell edit mode):

Target.Font.Color = vbRed
Cancel = True

Worksheet BeforeDoubleClick Event Result

When you double-click a cell, it will turn red, and you won’t enter edit mode.

4. Highlight Active Cell

This feature highlights the row and column of the active cell. Implement it as follows:

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on the sheet (e.g., “Sheet1”) in the Project Explorer.
  • Choose “Worksheet” from the left drop-down list.
  • Select “SelectionChange” from the right drop-down list.

Add this code:

Dim rowNumberValue As Integer, columnNumberValue As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer

Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0

rowNumberValue = ActiveCell.Row
columnNumberValue = ActiveCell.Column

For i = 1 To rowNumberValue
    Cells(i, columnNumberValue).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
Next i

For j = 1 To columnNumberValue
    Cells(rowNumberValue, j).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
Next j

Highlight Active Cell in Excel VBA

Now, each time you change the active cell on Sheet1, the corresponding row and column will turn blue.

5. Create a Footer Before Printing

You can use this event to add a footer before printing your workbook. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on “ThisWorkbook” in the Project Explorer.
  • Choose “Workbook” from the left drop-down list.
  • Choose “BeforePrint” from the right drop-down list.

Use this code to create a left footer with the workbook’s full name:

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = ActiveWorkbook.FullName


This will set the left footer of the printed document to the full name of your workbook.

6. Bills and Coins

This event helps you split an amount of money into bills and coins. Configure it this way:

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on the sheet (e.g., “Sheet1”) in the Project Explorer.
  • Choose “Worksheet” from the left drop-down list.
  • Select “Change” from the right drop-down list.

Insert this code to handle the amount splitting:

Dim amount As Double, i As Integer

If Target.Address = "$B$2" Then
    amount = Range("B2").Value
    Range("B5:B16").Value = ""
    For i = 5 To 16
        Do While amount >= Cells(i, 1).Value
            Cells(i, 2).Value = Cells(i, 2).Value + 1
            amount = amount - Cells(i, 1).Value
    Next i
End If

Bills and Coins Result

Now, when you change the value in cell B2 on Sheet1, Excel VBA will automatically split it into bills and coins.

7. Rolling Average Table

Create a rolling average table that updates with a new value. Place a command button on your worksheet and add the following code to generate random numbers and update the rolling average:

Range("B3").Value = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(0, 100)

Rolling Average Table in Excel VBA

Then, configure the Worksheet Change Event:

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Double-click on “Sheet1” in the Project Explorer.
  • Choose “Worksheet” from the left drop-down list.
  • Select “Change” from the right drop-down list.
Dim newValue As Integer, firstFourValues As Range, lastFourValues As Range

If Target.Address = "$B$3" Then
    newValue = Range("B3").Value
    Set firstFourValues = Range("D3:D6")
    Set lastFourValues = Range("D4:D7")

    lastFourValues.Value = firstFourValues.Value
    Range("D3").Value = newValue
End If

Now, every time you change the value in cell B3, the rolling average table updates accordingly.

These Excel VBA events are powerful tools for automating your spreadsheets and improving your efficiency. By responding to user actions and workbook events, you can create dynamic and responsive Excel applications that save time and reduce errors in your work.

Mastering Date and Time Manipulation in Excel VBA


In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Excel VBA to master date and time manipulation. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced VBA user, you’ll find valuable insights and practical examples to help you work with dates and times effectively. From simple tasks like extracting year, month, and day from a date to more complex challenges like sorting birthdays by month and day, this guide covers it all.

1. Year, Month, Day of a Date

This topic covers extracting year, month, and day components from a date using VBA.

VBA Code Example:

Sub ExtractDateComponents()
    Dim exampleDate As Date
    exampleDate = DateValue("Jun 19, 2010")
    Dim yearValue As Integer
    yearValue = Year(exampleDate)
    Dim monthValue As Integer
    monthValue = Month(exampleDate)
    Dim dayValue As Integer
    dayValue = Day(exampleDate)
    ' Display the results in a worksheet
    Range("A1").Value = "Year"
    Range("A2").Value = yearValue
    Range("B1").Value = "Month"
    Range("B2").Value = monthValue
    Range("C1").Value = "Day"
    Range("C2").Value = dayValue
End Sub

2. DateAdd

DateAdd is used to add or subtract days, months, or years to a date.

VBA Code Example:

Sub AddDaysToDate()
    Dim firstDate As Date
    firstDate = DateValue("Jun 19, 2010")
    Dim numberOfDays As Integer
    numberOfDays = 3
    Dim secondDate As Date
    secondDate = DateAdd("d", numberOfDays, firstDate)
    ' Display the result in a worksheet
    Range("A1").Value = "Original Date"
    Range("A2").Value = firstDate
    Range("B1").Value = "Date After Adding 3 Days"
    Range("B2").Value = secondDate
End Sub

3. Current Date and Time

This topic explains how to get the current date and time.

VBA Code Example:

Sub GetCurrentDateTime()
    Dim currentDateTime As Date
    currentDateTime = Now()
    ' Display the current date and time in a worksheet
    Range("A1").Value = "Current Date and Time"
    Range("A2").Value = currentDateTime
End Sub

4. Hour, Minute, Second

This topic demonstrates extracting the hour, minute, and second from a date-time value.

VBA Code Example:

Sub ExtractTimeComponents()
    Dim currentTime As Date
    currentTime = Now()
    Dim hourValue As Integer
    hourValue = Hour(currentTime)
    Dim minuteValue As Integer
    minuteValue = Minute(currentTime)
    Dim secondValue As Integer
    secondValue = Second(currentTime)
    ' Display the results in a worksheet
    Range("A1").Value = "Hour"
    Range("A2").Value = hourValue
    Range("B1").Value = "Minute"
    Range("B2").Value = minuteValue
    Range("C1").Value = "Second"
    Range("C2").Value = secondValue
End Sub

5. TimeValue

TimeValue converts a time string to a time serial number.

VBA Code Example:

Sub ConvertTimeValue()
    Dim timeStr As String
    timeStr = "9:20:01 AM"
    Dim timeSerial As Date
    timeSerial = TimeValue(timeStr)
    ' Display the time serial number in a worksheet
    Range("A1").Value = "Time String"
    Range("A2").Value = timeStr
    Range("B1").Value = "Time Serial Number"
    Range("B2").Value = timeSerial
End Sub

6. Compare Dates and Times

In VBA, comparing dates and times can be done using standard comparison operators. Here’s an example that compares two dates:

VBA Code Example:

Sub CompareDates()
    Dim date1 As Date
    Dim date2 As Date
    date1 = DateValue("10/15/2023")
    date2 = DateValue("10/16/2023")
    If date1 < date2 Then
        MsgBox "date1 is earlier than date2"
    ElseIf date1 > date2 Then
        MsgBox "date1 is later than date2"
        MsgBox "date1 and date2 are the same"
    End If
End Sub

7. DateDiff Function

The DateDiff function calculates the difference between two dates in various date parts. Here’s an example that calculates the number of days between two dates:

VBA Code Example:

Sub CalculateDateDifference()
    Dim firstDate As Date
    Dim secondDate As Date
    Dim daysDifference As Long
    firstDate = DateValue("10/15/2023")
    secondDate = DateValue("10/25/2023")
    daysDifference = DateDiff("d", firstDate, secondDate)
    MsgBox "Number of days between the two dates: " & daysDifference
End Sub

8. Weekdays

Counting weekdays between two dates is a common task. Here’s an example that counts weekdays between two dates (excluding weekends):

VBA Code Example:

Sub CountWeekdays()
    Dim startDate As Date
    Dim endDate As Date
    Dim currentDate As Date
    Dim weekdayCount As Integer
    startDate = DateValue("10/1/2023")
    endDate = DateValue("10/15/2023")
    weekdayCount = 0
    currentDate = startDate
    Do While currentDate <= endDate
        If Weekday(currentDate) >= 2 And Weekday(currentDate) <= 6 Then
            ' Weekday() returns a value between 2 (Monday) and 6 (Friday)
            weekdayCount = weekdayCount + 1
        End If
        currentDate = currentDate + 1 ' Move to the next day
    MsgBox "Number of weekdays between the two dates: " & weekdayCount
End Sub

9. Delay a Macro

Scheduling a macro to run after a specific time delay can be achieved using Application.OnTime. Here’s an example:

VBA Code Example:

Sub ScheduleMacro()
    Dim runTime As Date
    runTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05") ' Schedule to run 5 seconds from now
    Application.OnTime runTime, "YourMacroToRun"
End Sub

Sub YourMacroToRun()
    MsgBox "This macro was executed after a 5-second delay."
End Sub

10. Sort Birthdays

Sorting birthdays based on months and days while ignoring the year can be accomplished using various sorting algorithms. Below is a simplified example of sorting a list of birthdays in Excel using the Bubble Sort algorithm:

VBA Code Example:

Sub BubbleSortBirthdays()
    Dim birthdaysRange As Range
    Set birthdaysRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A13") ' Assuming the birthdays are in A2:A13
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim tempDate As Date, tempName As String
    For i = 1 To birthdaysRange.Rows.Count - 1
        For j = i + 1 To birthdaysRange.Rows.Count
            If CDate(birthdaysRange.Cells(i, 1).Value) > CDate(birthdaysRange.Cells(j, 1).Value) Then
                tempDate = CDate(birthdaysRange.Cells(i, 1).Value)
                birthdaysRange.Cells(i, 1).Value = birthdaysRange.Cells(j, 1).Value
                birthdaysRange.Cells(j, 1).Value = tempDate
                tempName = birthdaysRange.Cells(i, 1).Offset(0, 1).Value
                birthdaysRange.Cells(i, 1).Offset(0, 1).Value = birthdaysRange.Cells(j, 1).Offset(0, 1).Value
                birthdaysRange.Cells(j, 1).Offset(0, 1).Value = tempName
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
End Sub

This code assumes the birthdays are in column A, and the corresponding names are in column B. It sorts the list of birthdays based on the dates while keeping the names aligned with their respective dates.

I hope these additional code examples help in understanding these topics better.

By understanding and using these Date and Time operations in VBA, you can effectively manage and manipulate date-time data within your Excel worksheets and automate various tasks related to dates and times.

These are examples of common date and time operations in VBA, including comparing dates, finding date differences, counting weekdays, delaying macros, and sorting birthdays based on dates. You can run these VBA code examples in Excel for practical use.

Functions vs. Formulas: Unveiling the Key Differences

Formulas and functions are essential tools in Excel, empowering users to perform calculations ranging from simple to complex. While both serve mathematical purposes, they differ significantly in their nature and application.

Key Distinctions Between Formulas and Functions

  1. Customization: A formula in Excel is a user-defined statement capable of incorporating a wide range of operations, tailored to specific calculation needs. In contrast, a function is a predefined operation provided by Excel, limiting customization to the available parameters.
  2. Scope: Formulas can operate within a single cell or across a range of cells, facilitating intricate calculations. Functions, on the other hand, are designed for quick and common tasks like finding minimum or maximum values, averages, and more.
  3. Modification: Functions can be adjusted as needed by developers, altering their parameters to suit different scenarios. Formulas, however, lack this flexibility and are used only when explicitly needed.
  4. Interchangeability: Functions can be used within formulas, but formulas cannot be used as functions. This distinction underscores the versatility of functions for complex calculations.
  5. Usability: While formulas can handle simple manual calculations, functions excel in tackling complex operations efficiently. Functions come with predefined syntax, making them more structured and accessible for users.
  6. Parameters: Functions are equipped with predefined parameters that dictate their behavior. Formulas lack these built-in parameters and require manual specification.

Examples of Formulas

To create a formula in Excel, users initiate it with an equal sign. Here are some examples:




Examples of Functions

Functions are invoked by typing an equal sign followed by a predefined set of letters or by using the function wizard (Fx button in the formula bar). Some examples include:



=NPV(0.10, A5:G5)

Combining Formulas and Functions

Users can harness the combined power of formulas and functions to perform intricate analyses. Examples of such combinations include:


=AVERAGE(B4:B19) + 24 + SUM(1,2,3,5)

=NPV(0.10, A5:G5) * 0.8

From a communication and comprehension perspective, there isn’t a substantial difference between formulas and functions. However, it’s important to recognize that functions are predefined, code-like operations, while formulas are user-crafted statements. Both are indispensable tools for data analysis and calculations in Excel.